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Emily Rubinoff summarizes the first ever Supreme Council Meeting led by Elders. Fairfield leads the meeting and talks about the amendment to the Consitution.

Makena Young explains what happens during the Meeting on May 1, 2019. Supreme Council Members are quickly working on fixing all necessary to be able to have the Olympics.

Ansh Kumar explains what happens during the Meeting on May 1, 2019. Different committees are assigned different tasks to complete in a sprint to finish all events before the end of P-Ville. 

Yuri Onimura explains what happened on Wednesday, April 29, 2019. The Debate between 2 sides on whether or not Elders should have rights in P-Ville.

Wesley Lei writes an article on the Supreme Council Meeting that takes place on April 3, 2019. In this meeting, many things were discussed such as reparations from Period 5 to Period 2, Civil War in P-Ville, and much more!

Period 4 has an epic fall during Stalin Week. This article, written by Ansh Kumar, explains exactly what happened

Period 4 has had a Change of DOD from Sota to Mikayla. Here is an article that explains what happened.

Siona Sen, the new speaker, is leading a Supreme Council Meeting for the first time. 

There has been a change in leadership at PBS. Stephen Hansen will no longer be a Co-Founder of PBS.

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